
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第34部分(第2页)


in his chest。 〃It was awful。〃

He spoke softly against her hair。 〃I know; honey; I know。 But it was

only a dream。〃 His nearness forted her。 〃Only a dream;〃 he repeated

and said it on and off; between gentle rocking; until she fell back to


Mitch seemed preoccupied。 She sensed it from time to time and guessed

that he had work on his mind。 On the last night before she was to leave;

though; she looked up to find him brooding at the flames in the hearth。

He was sitting on the floor by her chair; with his legs stretched toward

the warmth。

She touched his shoulder。 〃Is something wrong?〃

Snatched from some distant place; he jerked his head around。 〃Hmm?〃

〃You look bothered by something。 Im back to normal; and you havent

begun to fight with me。〃 She gave him a teasing smile。 His smile was

oddly sad。 〃I seem to have lost my taste for the fight。〃

〃This must have been a boring week for you。〃

〃I havent minded。 Its been restful。〃

〃Too restful。 Tomorrow is my last morning here。 Will you go walking with

me; or do I sneak out alone?〃

He looked back at the fire。 〃Ill go with you。〃

She had expected an argument; something to the tune of Youre not well

enough for a walk。 When he said nothing; she knew something was

definitely wrong。

But he wasnt the only one who had lost his taste for the fight。 She

didnt want anything to mar their last night。 So she let it go。 With the

snowfall still fresh on the deserted mountain; the sight greeting them

the following morning was one of blinding splendor。 The sky was a deep

blue; the air cold and still。 Days of warm sun and freezing temperatures

had created a crust of ice。 The crunch underfoot echoed as they made

their way across the hillside。 Bits of the brook that werent frozen ran

through crystalline palaces of branches and weeds。 The only other signs

of life were those frozen in the snow; the tracks of the snowshoe rabbit

or the packed path of the deer。

It was a scene of rare beauty; all the more beautiful for the week…long

wait to see it。 But time was short。 Too soon; afternoon arrived and the

moment of parting。

〃Are you sure you wont stay the weekend?〃 Mitch asked。 〃You shouldnt

be driving so far yet。〃 Her car was packed。 They stood beside it。

