
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第34部分(第1页)


have the need to touch and be touched。〃 He took her hand between his

two。 Anne refused to be distracted。 〃Are there other twins in the


He shook his head。 〃Just Liz and me。〃

〃Liz?〃 A bell rang。 She smiled when Mitch realized his slip。 〃Hmmmm 。。。

Liz;〃 she repeated with an accusing lilt。

He grew sheepish。 〃Now you know my secrets。〃

〃That was Liz with you at the restaurant before Christmas。〃


〃Is she married?〃

〃It didnt work out。 But lately shes been seeing a nice guy。〃

〃What does she do with her music?〃

〃Actually; shes more a harpist than a pianist。〃

〃Beautiful!〃 Anne exclaimed。

〃Not while she was first learning;〃 he muttered。

Anne gave him a nudge。 〃Youre jealous of her talent。〃

〃Maybe。〃 He raised her hand and kissed her fingers in true continental

style; then left her alone to rest。

That night Anne had a nightmare。 It was more frightening than any shed

had since shed been a child。 Bolting upright in bed; drenched in a cold

sweat; she struggled to catch her breath until Mitchs arms came around


〃What is it; honey?〃 he asked in alarm。 The room was dim; bathed eerily

in the blue light of the moon as it spilled over the snow in the yard。

〃A nightmare。 Oh; God; it was awful。〃 She trembled in spite of his

steadying hold。

〃Want to tell me about it?〃

〃Its that court case hanging over my head。〃

〃What court case?〃

〃The accident。 My husbands family has been pushing me to sue for

negligence。 I agreed at first because I was as angry as they were and we

were all so helpless。 Now Id rather put the whole thing behind me。〃

Mitch was silent for a time。 〃And the nightmare?〃 he asked quietly。 His

arms were exquisitely tender as they held her to his chest。

She took a shuddering breath。 〃I dreamed I was on that plane with Jeff

when it crashed; but that I wasnt injured and had to stand by and watch

while he burned to death。 There were no doctors; no medics; nothing but

flames and smoke and debris and peoples screams。〃 She buried her face

