Anne scowled。 〃Youre an arrogant brute;〃 she began and turned the
discussion around。 〃So tell me what you do。 You must have some line of
work。 Is it in the city?〃
He answered her calmly and clearly。 〃My corporation has headquarters in
the city; but we operate all over the country。〃
〃Your corporation?〃
Strangely; where it might have been appropriate; the arrogance vanished。
〃I head a corporation。 Does that bother you?〃
With a sudden; irrational anger; she asked; 〃Why would it bother me?
It has nothing to do with me。〃
He leaned forward and pulled her again to his side。 〃All I meant;〃 he
said; teasing; 〃was that…well; to be perfectly honest; Ive been told I
make a good catch。 Being the president of a large corporation doesnt
help to discourage overeager women。〃
Anne snorted。 〃Any woman whod want your strong black coffee and your
long hot showers has to be crazy。 As for me〃…she put her nose in the
air…〃no amount of money can pensate for your squandering my
He gave her middle a playful squeeze。 She was acutely aware of the arm
beneath her breasts。 More breathlessly; she said; 〃So。 What does your
corporation do?〃
〃We develop real estate; office parks; shopping centers; and so on。〃
〃Define and so on。〃
〃Oh; we have 。。。 other interests。〃
〃Confidential ones;〃 she surmised。
〃For now。〃
〃The mystery of the year。〃
He responded to that by shifting her sideways and down。 He followed;
holding himself on his elbows。 〃You talk too much。〃 His eyes caressed
her face; but it wasnt her face he was talking about when he said; 〃You
not only look good; you feel good。〃 His body inched over hers; giving
her a good feel in return。
If Anne hadnt been breathless before; she was now。 She wasnt fighting
him; because she realized that the attraction wasnt only physical; at
least on her part。 It had gone beyond that。
She wrapped her arms around his neck and exerted the slightest pressure
at his nape。 It brought him in for a kiss that held all the passion
missing from the earlier hug。 She shivered when his tongue slid into her
mouth and their breath mingled。 With his shoulders flexing under her