
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第31部分(第2页)


Mitch shifted her to his side and; with an arm over her shoulder; led

her to the living room。 He drew her down beside him on the sofa; tucked

her head in the crook of his arm; and stretched out his long legs。 〃Tell

me about Christmas。〃

She spoke tentatively。 〃It wasnt as bad as Id expected。〃

〃No downs?〃

〃A few。 Jeff and I always went from house to house on Christmas Day。 It

was more simple this year。 Dinner with his parents。〃

〃Who were your friends that night?〃

〃At the restaurant?〃


〃People I work with。〃

〃Tell me about your work。〃 He hadnt ever asked her that before; but his

eyes said that he wanted to know。 So she explained her interest in

languages and described the evolution of her career。 He asked

thought…filled questions; clearly catching on to what she did。 When she

was least expecting it; he said; 〃That professor…what did you say his

name was; Alex?…looked interested in you。 Have you gone out with him?〃

〃I told you that I dont date;〃 she chided。

〃Ah;〃 he drawled。 〃Thats right。 I forgot。 Hes asked you out; though;

hasnt he?〃

Anne saw no point in denying it。 〃Several times。 Im not interested in

dating him; though。 That dinner was a group get…together。〃 When she saw

him relax; she made her move。 〃What about your date that night…excuse

me; your panion?〃 Jealousy was a tough thing to hide。

Mitch played it up with a knowing grin。 〃What about her?〃

〃Who is she?〃

〃Her names Liz。〃

〃Do you see her often?〃



〃Arent you glad you asked?〃

〃Not particularly。〃 She pried herself away from him and slid to the far

end of the sofa。 He didnt seem bothered; simply lifted her feet to his

thighs。 He slide a lazy hand under the wool of her slacks to massage her

calf。 It felt too good for Anne to object。

〃Jealous?〃 he asked。


〃Thats good。〃 He was grinning more broadly than before。

