
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第14部分(第4页)


But she wasnt。 At some point Ross had ceased to be a part of the past。

There was only the candlelit present。 She looked over the flickering

flame and met his gaze。

〃Do you like it?〃 he asked; endearingly eager。

She smiled。 〃I do。〃

〃I asked the maitre d to bring a bottle of Chassagne de Montrachet。〃

If his fluency in French amazed her; his knowledge of fine wines was no

less astonishing。 Fine wines were something she did know something

about; a legacy of her fathers acclaimed cellar。 Unable to resist; she

grinned。 〃So thats how the Army sedates its brats。 Fine wine。 And here

I felt so sorry for you。 Im sure the Chassagne de Montrachet will be


Ross laughed。 〃The Army had nothing to do with it。 I developed a taste

for wine after I left the Peace Corps。 I have several treasured bottles

at home…a Mouton…Rothschild; a Chateau Lafite…Rothschfld。 My favorite is

a 1959 Ceteaux du Layon from the Loire Valley。〃

〃Whoa。 Very impressive。 What other goodies do you have up your sleeve?〃

His right hand flew to his left cuff; one long finger making a pretense

of searching。 The search was forgotten when the maitre d reappeared;

wine in hand; to present the bottle to Ross。

While he studied the wine; Chloe studied him。 It was a luxury that the

drive through the night hadnt offered。 Now she drank in his good looks

with as much reverence as he gave to his wine。

He looked wonderful。 His suit was the gray…blue tweed she had seen on the

bed。 Same with his white shirt and crimson…ormavy tie。 She blushed as

she recalled the other items shed seen; then pushed those aside and

focused on the chiseled features before her。 They were strong; yet

relaxed; and exuded confidence。 The darkness of his hair and the

sun…touched hue of his skin contrasted with his shirt at neck and

wrists; adding a crispness to his appearance that was enhanced by the

fine cut of the obviously handtailored fabric。 He was the epitome of the

man of the world…suave; assured; experienced; and content。 To all

outward appearances he held the world in his palm。

Was he vulnerable in any way?

〃Why the frown; princess?〃 He leaned forward to exclude the maitre d;

who worked at uncorking the wine。

〃Im not frowning。〃 But she was。 She felt it。 〃I was wondering 。。。〃

