Ross smiled。 〃Since were dining in style; Ill try not to paw through
the pitd。〃 He tossed his head toward the door。 〃Lets go。〃
The drive to the farm took them in a large U; from one fingertip of
land; back to the mainland; then out to the other fingertip。 Their
conversation was light; in contrast to the heavy darkness that had
fallen。 Even the moon had disappeared behind gathering clouds。
Chloe was vitally aware of Ross。 His strapping presence filled the car
and her senses; adding to her excitement。
Farmington Court was on the outskirts of Newport。 Without any help from
Chloe; Ross found the place with ease。
〃How did you find out about the Court?〃 she asked when the farm appeared
on a gentle rise ahead。 〃Not many people know about the dining room
here。 Not many outsiders; that is。 Its a well…kept secret。〃
His smile reflected the bright lights of the house。 〃Maybe its supposed
to be a secret; but its slowly creeping out anyway。 I had a
remendation from a friend in New York whos been here。〃 He paused;
then confessed; 〃Im not a total stranger to Newport。 Little pton;
yes。 Newport; no。 I was here last summer。〃
〃You were?〃 she asked cautiously。
He nodded。 〃I spent several days here sailing with friends。〃
〃I didnt know you sailed。〃
〃Theres plenty you dont know about me。〃 With a flick of his wrist; he
turned the car into a space in the graveled lot。 He slid from behind the
wheel; rounded the car; and helped her out。
She learned something else about him when they passed through the door
of the sprawling seaside estate。 Not only did he greet the maitre d by
name; but he spoke in fluent French。 Along with her Southern accent;
Chloe had long since lost what little French she picked up as a child in
New Orleans。 She remained silent; enjoying the smooth; romantic sound。
Following several moments of low conversation during which both men
seemed equally at ease; the maitre dishowed Ross and Chloe to the
smallest of the three rooms that had been converted for public dining。
It was exquisitely decorated in Colonial style; with a smattering of the
English; a dab of the French; and a triumphant dose of pure Americana。
This particular room held only three tables; each set for two。 Theirs
was in a far corner; lit softly by a candle。 It was an intimate setting;
one Chloe would have wished to avoid had she been thinking clearly。