〃Milk would be fine。〃
He waited while she searched for glasses and filled two。 She sat down
opposite him。 Once several mouthfuls of the thick stew had warmed her
stomach; she put her spoon down。 Something stuck in her craw。
〃Im not unhappy;〃 she stated; so softly and apparently unexpectedly
that Ross looked perplexed。 〃You thought I looked unhappy。 Im not。〃
He went back to eating; but slowly; thoughtfully。 〃No; I suppose youre
not; not right now;〃 he finally said。 〃But earlier; there was a look in
your eyes。 It es and goes。 There it is again。〃
The sound of his voice had been enough to spark memories。 With a barely
perceptible shake of her head; she chased them off again。 〃I do love
what Im doing;〃 she said。
〃Tell me about it。 How did you get started?〃
〃You heard the bare outline tonight。〃
〃The bare outline。 Now Id like to hear more。〃 His pause was pregnant
with unspoken thoughts。 〃Why geology?〃
She shrugged。 〃Why not?〃
He didnt pull any punches。 〃Because its one of the last fields that
someone raised in the style of conspicuous consumption would choose。〃
〃Maybe thats why I chose it。〃
〃Ah。〃 He smiled。 〃You were rebelling。〃
〃Not entirely…〃
She looked away。 〃Youre perceptive。 But only half right。〃
〃Go on。〃
Chloe tucked a long strand of dark hair behind her ear。 〃It was actually
a simultaneous discovery@scape and excitement。 At that period of my
life; I needed something that was a total change from everything Id
known before。 I spent some time in Newport with friends and fell in love
with the ocean there。〃
〃You found solace?〃 he asked gently。
She admitted it with a small tilt of her head。 〃I spent a lot of time on
the beach and happened to befriend an old man who felt very strongly
about environmental considerations。 He affected me deeply。〃 The memory
of Hector Wallaby brought a sad smile to her lips。
〃Hes dead?〃
〃Yes。 I miss him。 He never knew it; but in spirit at least; he was the
founding father of ESE; Inc。〃