
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第4部分(第1页)


charmingly ancient house。 〃Any luck?〃 she asked when he reached the car。

〃Theres good news and bad news。〃 He was leaning down to talk through

the window again。

〃Give me the good news first;〃 Chloe said。 She needed that; needed it


He grinned。 〃The good news is that you have the penthouse。〃

She looked up the inns facade to the very top; the third floor。

Assuming the attic was clean and had a bed; it would do。 〃The penthouse

is fine。〃 She scrunched up her face。 〃Whats the bad news?〃

He opened the door with a flourish。 〃The bad news is that no one serves

food at this hour。 The night manager here says we can raid his

refrigerator; though。〃 He paused; staring down at her for a minute

before offering his hand to help her out。 〃The service wont be fancy。

Well be on our own。〃 The warning note in his voice jarred her。 He was

remembering the old Chloe。 That Chloe had been spoiled。 She hadnt known

how to cook; having had everything done for her for the entire eighteen

years of her life。 But her lifestyle had changed drastically since then。

She rose from the car。 〃Thats fine。 I think we can manage。〃 Oh; yes;

she could certainly manage to put together a meal。 She was actually a

fine cook now。 But it occurred to her that she and Ross would be alone。

She wasnt so sure about managing that。

A frown creased her brow as she entered the inn with Ross by her side。

He left his overnight case at the front desk with the night manager; who

cheerfully directed them into the kitchen; a decidedly old room into

which every modern convenience had been crammed。 Chloe made herself at

home。 Only after she had placed a crock of steaming beef stew; put

together from leftovers; and a half…loaf of what appeared to be

home…baked bread on the table did she realize that she had done all the

work。 But it had kept her mind occupied。 Ross had been in and out of the

room as she worked; finally settling down on a tall stool by a

butcher…block counter to watch。

His presence didnt upset her now as much as it had earlier。 She had

gotten over the shock; she guessed。 Still; she felt vaguely shy when

they were actually ready to eat。

〃Uh; is there anything else you want?〃 She skimmed the simple place

settings; the two large bowls filled with stew。 〃A drink?〃

He made no move to help himself For old times sake; so the liberated

woman told herself; she indulged him。

