
669小说网>flipped中英双语版 > 第28部分(第5页)


Trulock。 Mrs。 McClure was scouring the crowd with her eyes; looking very unfortable; too。

“What happened?” I whispered to Darla。

“No ones bidding;” she whispered back。

“Do I hear ten?” called Mrs。 McClure。 “e on; out there! This lunch is delicious。

Strawberry tarts; roast beef and Muenster cheese sandwiches

…” “Oh; no!” I whispered to Darla。 “I cant believe I did this to him!”

“You? What did you do?”

“I voted for him!”

“Well; you couldnt have been the only one…。”

“But why isnt anyone bidding on him? Hes … hes so nice。”

Darla nodded。 “Exactly。”

Thats when I realized what I had to do。 My hand shot into the air and I called; “Ten!”

“Ten?” warbled Mrs。 McClure。 “Did I hear ten?”

I put my hand up higher and said to Darla; “Say twelve。”


“Say twelve; Ill outbid you。”

“No way!”

“Darla! He cant go for ten; cmon!”

“Twelve!” Darla called; but her hand didnt go up very high。

“Fifteen!” I cried。

“Sixteen!” called Darla; and eyed me with a laugh。

I whispered; “Darla! Ive only got fifteen。”

Her eyes got enormous。

I laughed and called; “Eighteen!” then held her arm down and said; “But that really is all Ive


There was a moment of silence and then; “Eighteen going once! Eighteen going twice …

Sold! for eighteen dollars。”

Darla laughed and said; “Whoa; girl! What a rush!”

I nodded。 “Yes; it was!”

“Well; no dessert for you。 Looks like you got cleaned out by something a little more …uh…

nutritious。” She nodded toward the stage。 “You gonna

go up to the table like youre supposed to

