
669小说网>flipped中英双语版 > 第28部分(第4页)


movies。” She turned to him and grinned。 “They are a kick;

arent they?”

Poor Jeff tried to smile; but you could tell—he wanted to die。

“All right; then;” said Mrs。 McClure as she whipped off her glasses。 “Do I hear ten?”

Not only did she hear ten; she heard twelve; fifteen; twenty; and twenty…five; too! “Going …

going … gone!” cried Mrs。 McClure。 “To the young lady

in the purple tunic!”

“Who is that?” I asked Darla。

“I think her names Tiffany;” she said。 “Shes a seventh grader。”

“Really? Wow。 I would never have bid last year! And I …I dont remember bids going up that

high; either。”

Darla eyed me。 “Which tells me that maybe you would bid this year? How much you got?”

I looked at her and almost dissolved right on the spot。 “Darla; I didnt bring money on purpose!

My neighbor made me take it on the way to school

because she owed it to me for eggs and—”

“For eggs? Oh; like Bryce was talking about in the library?”

“Exactly; and—” I looked at her looking at me and stopped cold。

“How can you even think about bidding on that boy?”

“I dont want to! But Ive liked him for so long。 Darla; Ive liked him since I was seven。 And

even though I know hes a coward and a sneak and I

should never speak to him again; Im having trouble focusing on that。 Especially since Shelly

Stalls is after him。 And now Ive got this money burning

a hole in my pocket!”

“Well; I can understand the bit about Shelly Stalls; but if you know that boys just a big piece

of fluffy cheesecake that youre gonna regret eating; I

can help you with your diet。” She put out her hand。 “Give me the money。 Ill hold it for you。”


……… Page 87………


“I mean…I can handle this。 Ive got to handle it。”

She shook her head。 “Oh; girl。 Im hurting for you here。”

I looked back at the stage。 The auction was happening so fast! Theyd be at Bryce in no time。

As the bidding continued; the battle in my head got

louder and fiercer。 What was I going to do?

Then suddenly the gym fell quiet。 You could have heard a pin drop。 And standing next to Mrs。

McClure looking pletely mortified was Jon

