
669小说网>flipped中英双语版 > 第27部分(第3页)


picnic lunch for two and be auctioned off to the highest bidder。

“Being a basket boy is an honor—” Mrs。 Simmons began; but she was interrupted by Robbie。

“Its a joke!” he said。 “Its embarrassing! Who wants to be a basket boy?”

All the guys around him muttered; “Not me;” but Mrs。 Simmons cleared her throat and said;

“You should want to be one! Its a tradition that has

helped support the school since it was founded。 There have been generation after generation

of basket boys helping make this campus what it is

today。 Its why we have flower beds。 Its why we have shade trees and a grove of apple trees。

Visit another junior high sometime and youll begin to

realize what a little oasis our campus really is。”

“All this from the sweat and blood of basket boys;” Robbie grumbled。

Mrs。 Simmons sighed。 “Robbie; someday when your children go to school here; youll

understand。 For now; please just vote for whoever you think

will earn a high bid。 And class;” she added; “were down to nine minutes。”

……… Page 83………

The room fell quiet。 And as I read down the list of over one hundred and fifty eighth…grade

boys; I realized that to me; there had only ever been one

boy。 To me; there had only been Bryce。

I didnt let myself get sentimental。 I had liked him for all the wrong reasons; and I certainly

wasnt going to vote for him now。 But I didnt know who

else to vote for。 I looked at Mrs。 Simmons; who was eagle…eyeing the class between glances

at the clock。 What if I didnt choose anybody? What if I

just turned it in blank?

Shed give me detention; thats what。 So with two minutes left to go; I put dots next to the

boys I knew who werent jerks or clowns; but were just

nice。 When I was through; there were all of ten names with dots; and of those I circled five:

Ryan Noll; Vince Olson; Adrian Iglesias; Ian Lai; and Jon

Trulock。 They wouldnt make basket boy; but then I wouldnt be bidding; so it didnt really

matter。 At the bell I handed over my ballot and forgot all

about the auction。

Until lunchtime the next day; that is。 Darla cut me off on my way to the library and dragged

me over to her table instead。 “Have you seen the list?”

she asked。

“What list?”

