
669小说网>flipped中英双语版 > 第27部分(第2页)


“Yes; I am。 But thanks for thinking about me。” I eyed her and said; “And Darla? Its not a

given anymore。”

She laughed。 “How longs this diet gonna last?”

“Its not a diet。 Ive just; uh; lost my taste for him。”

She looked at me skeptically。 “Uh…huh。”

“Well; I have。 But thanks for; you know; caring。”

All through first period I was still feeling strong and right and certain; but then Mrs。 Simmons

ended the lesson a full fifteen minutes early and said;

“Clear your desks of everything but a pen or pencil。”

“What?” everyone cried; and believe me—I was right along with them。 I was not prepared for

a quiz!

“Everything!” she said。 “e on; youre wasting valuable time。”

The room filled with grumbles and the sound of shuffling binders; and when wed all pretty

much plied with her request; she picked a stack of

bright yellow papers off her desk; fanned them with an evil grin; and said; “Its time to vote for

basket boys!”

A wave of relief swept across the room。 “Basket boys? You mean its not a quiz?”

She ticked through the stack; counting ballots as she spoke。 “It is like a quiz in that I dont

want you conferring with one another。 Its also like a quiz

in that you have a limited amount of time。” She slapped a set of ballots down on the first desk

of row one; then went on to the second row。 “I will

collect them from you individually when the bell rings; and I will inspect to see that you have

plied with the following instructions。” She scooted

over to row three。 “Choose five; and only five; of the boys on the list。 Do not put your name

on it; and do not discuss your choices with your

neighbors。” She was on to row four now; talking faster and faster。 “When youve made your

selections; simply turn your sheet over。” She slapped the

remainder down on the last desk。 “Do not; I repeat; do not fold your ballot!”

Robbie Castinon raised his hand and blurted out; “Why do guys have to vote。 Its lame to

have guys vote。”

“Robbie …;” Mrs。 Simmons warned。

“Seriously! What are we supposed to do? Vote for our friends or our enemies?”

A lot of people snickered; and Mrs。 Simmons scowled; but he had a point。 Twenty of the

schools eighth…grade boys would be made to pack a

