
669小说网>flipped中英双语版 > 第24部分(第5页)


basket。 When you got right down to it; this was a meat market。

“You eat lunch on campus and thats the end of it。 It is hardly a meat market; Bryce。 Its an

honor! Besides; maybe someone really nice will bid on

you and youll make a new friend!”

Mothers can be in such denial。

And then Garrett bends my ear with the news that Shelly Stalls is breaking up with Mitch

Michaelson; and that she; Miranda Humes; and Jenny

Atkinson are starting some bidding war over me。 “Dude!” he tells me。 “The two hottest chicks

on campus。 And I swear to god; man; Shellys

dumped Mitch because of you。 I heard it direct from Shagreer; and dude; Shagreer the Ear

knows all。” He throws me this nasty grin and says; “Me;

Im rooting for Jumbo Jenny。 It would serve you right for being such a basket boy。”

I told him to shut up; but he was right。 With the way my luck was running; Id probably get

stuck with Jumbo Jenny。 I could just see it — six feet of

beefy babe downing both halves of my lunch and then ing after me。 Jennys the only girl

or guy on campus who can dunk a basketball。 The

whole gym shakes when she lands。 And since shes got no; you know… female parabolas;

the girl could shave her head and make it in the NBA。

Seriously。 No one would ever suspect。

Her parents give her anything she wants; too。 Rumor has it they converted their garage into

a full…on basketball court just for her。

Which meant that in the game of the basket boys; I was as good as slam…dunked。

Unless; unless Shelly or Miranda was high bidder。 But how could I make sure that happened?

My brain went into overdrive; constructing a plan;

and in the end I decided that there was only one sensible course of action。

……… Page 75………

Kiss up to both of them。

Halfway through my first day of doing this; I felt like a skunk。 Not that I was being gross about

it or anything。 I was just; you know; friendly。 And even

though Shelly and Miranda didnt seem to smell a thing; Garrett did。

“Dude!” he says to me on Thursday。 “I can see you

