
669小说网>flipped中英双语版 > 第24部分(第4页)


Should I really get a rooster? Id heard that having one

around made chickens lay more; whether they were in contact with each other or not。 I could

even breed my chickens and get a whole new set of

layers。 But did I really want to go through all of that again?

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Not really。 I didnt want to be the neighborhood rancher。 If my girls quit laying altogether; that

would be just fine with me。

I put away the rake and shovel; clucked a kiss on each of the hens; and went inside。 It felt

good to take charge of my own destiny! I felt strong and

right and certain。

Little did I know how a few days back at school would change all of that。


After the dinner Juli was nice to me at school。 Which I hated。 Mad was better than nice。

Gaga was better than … nice。 It was like I was a stranger to

her; and man; it bugged me。 Bugged me big…time。

Then the auction happened; and I found myself with even bigger problems。

The auction is this bogus way the Booster Club raises money for the school。 They insist its

an honor to be chosen; but bull…stinkin…loney to that!

Bottom line is; twenty guys get shanghaied。 They have to e up with fancy picnic lunches

and then be humiliated in front of the whole school while

girls bid to have lunch with them。

Guess who made this years top twenty。

Youd think mothers would say; Hey; theres no way youre going to auction my son off to the

highest bidder; but no。 Instead; theyre all flattered

that their sons been elected a basket boy。

Yes; my friend; thats what they call you。 Over the P。A。 you hear stuff like; “There will be an

organizational meeting of the newly elected basket

boys in the MPR at lunch today。 All basket boys must attend。”

Pretty soon youve pletely lost your name。 You and nieen other saps are known

simply as Basket Boy。

My mom; of course; was into it; ing up with all sorts of stuff to put in my basket so Id get

the highest bid。 I tried to explain that I didnt want to

be in Mayfield Junior Highs Basket Boy Hall of Fame; and that really; what was in the basket

didnt matter。 It wasnt like girls were bidding on the

