
669小说网>flipped中英双语版 > 第21部分(第5页)


Mom jingled the dinner bell and called; “Hors doeuvres are ready!” and then saw me still

standing in the hallway。 “Bryce; whered your sister and

the boys go?”

I shrugged。 “Down to her room; I think。” “Go tell them; would you? And then e have some

hors doeuvres。”

“Sure;” I said。 Anything to get rid of the taste in my mouth。

Lytas door was closed。 And normally I would have knocked and called; Mom wants you;

or; Dinner! or something; but in that split second

before my knuckles hit wood; my hand became possessed by Evil Baby Brother。 I turned the

knob and walked right in。

Does Lyta freak out or throw stuff at me and scream for me to get out? No。 She ignores

me。 Matt…and…Mike give me a nod; and Lyta sees

me; but shes got her hands over some headphones and her whole bodys bobbing up and

down as she listens to a portable CD player。

Matt…or…Mike whispers; “Its about over。 Well be right there;” like of course I was there to say

it was time to eat。 What else would I be doing there?

Something about that made me feel; I dont know; left out。 I wasnt even a person to those

guys。 I was just baby brother。

Nothing new there; but now it really bugged me。 Like all of a sudden I didnt fit in anywhere。

Not at school; not at home … and every time I turned

around; another person Id known forever felt like a stranger to me。 Even I felt like a stranger

to me。

Standing around eating little round crackers smeared with whipped cheese and fish eggs

didnt do much for my mood either。 My mother was

acting like an entire swarm of busy bees。 She was everywhere。 In the kitchen; out of the

kitchen。 Serving drinks; handing out napkins。 Explaining the

food; but not eating a thing。

Lyta didnt buy Moms explanation on the hors doeuvres — she wound up dissecting hers;

categorizing the parts into gross; disgusting; and


……… Page 66………

Hanging near her

