
669小说网>flipped中英双语版 > 第21部分(第4页)


you and Garrett making fun of my uncle in the library;

and I dont want to speak to you! You understand me? Not now; not ever!”

My mind was racing。 Where had she been? I hadnt seen her anywhere near me in the library!

And had she heard it? Or had she heard it from

somebody else。

I tried to tell her it wasnt me; that it was Garrett; all Garrett。 But she shut me down and made

tracks for the front room to be with her dad。

So Im standing there; wishing Id punched Garrett out in the library so Juli wouldnt stick me

in the same class as someone who makes retard

jokes; when my dad shows up and claps me on the shoulder。 “So。 Hows the party; son?”

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Speak of the devil。 I wanted to whack his hand off my shoulder。

He leans out so he can see into the front room and says; “Hey; the dad cleans up pretty good;

doesnt he?”

I shrug away from him。 “Mr。 Bakers name is Robert; Dad。”

“Yeah; you know; I knew that。” He rubs his hands together and says; “I guess I ought to go in

and say hello。 ing?”

“Nah。 Mom probably needs my help。”

I didnt run off to the kitchen; though。 I stood there and watched Mr。 Baker shake my fathers

hand。 And as they stood there pumping and smiling;

this weird feeling started ing over me again。 Not about Juli — about my father。 Standing

next to Mr。 Baker; he looked small。 Physically small。

And pared to the cut of Mr。 Bakers jaw; my dads face looked kind of weaselly。

This is not the way you want to feel about your father。 When I was little; Id always thought

that my dad was right about everything and that there

wasnt a man on earth he couldnt take。 But standing there looking in; I realized that Mr。

Baker could squash him like a bug。

Worse; though; was the way he was acting。 Watching my dad chum it up with Julis dad—it

was like seeing him lie。 To Mr。 Baker; to Juli; to my

grandfather—to everybody。 Why was he being such a worm? Why couldnt he just act normal?

You know; civil? Why did he have to put on such a

phony show? This went way beyond keeping the peace with my mother。 This was disgusting。

And people said I was the spitting image of my father。 How often had I heard that one? Id

never thought about it much; but now it was turning my


