
669小说网>flipped中英双语版 > 第17部分(第2页)


look past them。 What was behind them? What was

he thinking? Was he really sorry? Or was he just feeling bad about the things hed said?

It was like looking into the sun; though; and I had to turn away。

I couldnt tell you what we talked about after that; except that he was nice to me and he made

me laugh。 And after he left; I shut off the water and

went inside feeling very; very strange。

The rest of the evening I bounced back and forth between upset and uneasy。 The worst part

being; I couldnt really put my finger on what exactly I

was upset or uneasy about。 Of course it was Bryce; but why wasnt I just mad? Hed been

such a … scoundrel。 Or happy? Why wasnt I just happy?

Hed e over to our house。 Hed stood on our driveway。 Hed said nice things。 Wed


But I wasnt mad or happy。 And as I lay in bed trying to read; I realized that upset had been

overshadowed by uneasy。 I felt as though someone

was watching me。 I got so spooked I even got up and checked out the window and in the

closet and under the bed; but still the feeling didnt go


It took me until nearly midnight to understand what it was。

It was me。 Watching me。

Looming Large and Smelly

Sunday I woke up feeling like Id been sick with the flu。 Like Id had one of those bad;

convoluted; unexplainable fever dreams。

And what Ive figured out about bad; convoluted; unexplainable dreams of any kind is that

youve just got to shake them off。 Try to forget that they

ever happened。

I shook it off; all right; and got out of bed early cause I had eaten almost nothing the night

before and I was starving! But as I was trucking into the

kitchen; I glanced into the family room and noticed that my dad was sacked out on the couch。

This was not good。 This was a sign of battles still in progress; and it made me feel like an

invader in my own territory。

He rolled over and kind of groaned; then curled up tighter under his skinny little quilt and

muttered some pretty unfriendly…sounding stuff into his


I beat it into the kitchen and poured myself a killer bowl of corn flakes。 And I was about to

drown it in milk when my mother es waltzing in and

