
669小说网>flipped中英双语版 > 第17部分(第1页)


Just wait until I got my hands on the backyard! Then

maybe Id even paint the house。 I could do it。 I could。

Chet  the story; and when Mom brought us out sandwiches at

lunchtime; we sat on the porch and ate without saying

a word。 Then he broke the silence by nodding across the street and saying; “I dont know

why he doesnt just e out and say hello。”

“Who?” I asked; then looked across the street to where hed nodded。 The curtain in Bryces

room moved quickly back into place; and I couldnt

help asking; “Bryce?”

“Thats the third time Ive seen him watching。”

“Really?” My heart was fluttering about like a baby bird trying to fly。

He frowned and said; “Lets finish up and get that seed sown; shall we? Youll want the

warmth of the day to help with the germination。”

I was happy to finally be planting the yard; but I couldnt help being distracted by Bryces

window。 Was he watching? During the rest of the

afternoon; I checked more often than Id like to admit。 And Im afraid Chet noticed; too;

because when we were all done and wed congratulated

each other on what was sure to be a fine…looking yard; he said; “He may be acting like a

coward now; but I do hold out hope for the boy。”

A coward? What on earth could I say to that? I just stood there with the hose in one hand

and the spigot valve beneath the other。

And with that; Chet waved so long and walked across the street。

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A few minutes later I saw Bryce ing down the sidewalk toward his house。 I did a double

take。 All this time Id thought he was inside the house

watching; and he was really outside walking around? I was embarrassed all over again。

I turned my back on him and concentrated on watering the yard。 What a fool I was! What a

plete idiot! And I had just built up a nice head of

angry steam when I heard; “Its looking good; Juli。 Nice job。”

It was Bryce; standing right there on our driveway。 And suddenly I wasnt mad at me

anymore。 I was mad at him。 How could he stand there like my

supervisor and tell me; Nice job? He had no business saying anything after what hed done。

I was about to hose him down when he said; “Im sorry for what I did; Juli。 It was; you know…


I looked at him—into those brilliant blue eyes。 And I tried to do what Chet had said—I tried to

