
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第39部分(第1页)


questions; Anne answered them。 It was much as she had been told to

expect; straightforward questions so innocuous that she was actually

feeling a sense of security。

Then the door opened quietly and Simmons client slipped into the room。

The lawyer said; 〃For the record; this is the President of SEAA;

Mitchell D。 Anderson; Jr。〃

The only thing Anne could even begin to appreciate was that all eyes in

the room were momentarily somewhere else。 She felt her color drain and

her stomach twist; felt a shaking; then shock; pure shock。

It was Mitch。 Wearing an immaculately tailored blue suit。 Groomed

impeccably。 Tall; well…built; and handsome。 Hair neatly brushed; jaw

firm and confident; eyes looking everywhere but at her。

It was Mitch。 Head of the airline that she was suing。 What had he said;

that he had 〃other interests〃 beside real estate? When she had prodded;

he evaded her。 Then he had known all along? Had he planned the whole

thing? How naive she had been!

She fought a rising nausea when he crossed the room and took a seat

beside his lawyer; who proceeded to introduce him to the others in the

room。 When her name was given; he nodded politely; for all indications a

total stranger meeting her for the first time。

The situation was so unreal; so horrific; that she actually distanced

herself and found the strength to go on。 Her voice was more unsteady;

and she didnt dare take a drink of water lest her trembling hand spill

it; but she managed。 She kept her eyes on the lawyer; pletely

blotting out the man to his right。

When did she meet Jeff? How long had she known him before their

marriage? How long had they been married? Where did his family live?

Her family? How many members in each?

The questions grew more personal。 What had Jeff done for a living?

How long had he done it? Annual ine? Rising or steady? Did their

parents help them financially? Did they travel? How often and where to?

How much rent did she pay each month?

Had Anne been herself; she would have been annoyed with the questions。

When; after an hour of questions; they took a short break; her lawyer

explained; 〃He has to establish a lifestyle。 He needs to determine the

way you live in order to estimate the value of your loss。〃

〃I lost Jeff! How do you put a dollar sign on that?〃

The lawyer shrugged; and when they returned to the table; Anne was on

the hot seat again。 Had she loved her husband? Had they been faithful to

one another? What had she done when he was away on business?

