so bad that she was imagining it。
〃Do you love Rachel; too?〃 she asked in a faltering whisper。
When he reached for her arms; she didnt resist。 Neither did she melt
toward him; but held her line; waiting; waiting for his answer。
His smile was sad but tender。 〃Yes; I love Rachel。〃 His hands tightened
when she would have pulled free。 〃But I love her in a very different way
from how I love you; Annie。 Rachel is my daughter。〃
Anne was shocked。 His daughter? She had been jealous of his daughter?
〃Why didnt you tell me?〃 she cried; wanting to hit him but slipping her
arms around his neck instead。
He held her tightly。 〃Ive wanted to so many times。 But it never seemed
appropriate。 At the beginning; there was a part of me that wanted…God
forgive me…that wanted to forget her existence while I was up here。
Fatherhood has its merits; but its been my greatest challenge since
Beys death。〃
He had a daughter。 Anne could only begin to imagine that; much less the
challenge of going it alone。 〃Maybe I could have helped。〃
〃Youve had enough to face without having to cope with a child。〃
〃How old is she?〃
〃She turned six last week。 And she came down with the chicken pox the
day after her birthday。 Its the first time shes been sick…really
sick since her mother died。〃
Anne understood。 〃Thats why you were late arriving last weekend?〃
He nodded against her head。 〃My parents have been wonderful; taking her
for weeks at a stretch。 Theyre often more cheerful than me。〃 He looked
down at her。 〃But I couldnt leave them with a sick child who only
wanted her mother to hold her。〃 His voice broke at the last。
〃Why didnt you bring her up here with you?〃 Anne scolded。
He studied her closely。 〃I wasnt sure how you felt about kids。 Weve
never talked about that; you and me。 I only know you have none of your
〃Not through choice; Mitch; not through choice。〃
〃But to foist a sick child on you? How could I do that?〃
Anne spoke from the heart。 〃I would have loved to have met your
daughter。 Id have loved helping you take care of her。 Shes your
daughter。〃 Her voice fell。 〃And I love you。〃
He crushed her in his arms。 The force of it said all that he didnt; but
seconds later he was kissing her。 If she hadnt already gotten the
message; he did then。 There was a vow in his kiss; a declaration; a