〃Whats so funny?〃 she grumbled。
〃You。 Your face hides nothing!〃
〃Im that transparent? Its not fair; yknow。〃
〃What isnt fair?〃
〃Me 。。。 here 。。。 at your mercy。 With my transparent face and all; I feel
〃Except for the good graces of my shirt; darling; you are;〃 he drawled。
〃Thats not what I mean; and you know it;〃 she scolded and broke into a
spasm of coughing。 When she quieted; he ran cool fingers across her hot
cheek。 It felt good。
〃You talk too much; Annie。 Rest your voice now。〃
At the silence that followed; a sound filtered in from outside。 〃The
plow!〃 Mitch was on his feet; stopping only at the bedroom door to call;
〃Dont move until I get back!〃 Then he was gone。
She lay there for what seemed hours。 Finally; she struggled out of bed
to use the bathroom。 Her reflection in the mirror appalled her…pale
skin; red cheeks; dark and sunken eyes。 Her hand trembled as she sorted
through Mitchs toiletries for a b。 Halfway bing her hair; her
knees began to knock。 Dropping the b; she clutched at the edges of
the sink for support。 That was when the bathroom door opened。
〃What are you doing out of bed?〃 He scooped her up and carried her back;
and the bed felt like heaven; the quilt even more so。 〃Next time;〃 he
taunted; 〃you might just pass out in the middle of the floor。 Will you
stay in bed?〃
〃I just went to the bathroom。〃
〃Good。 You should be set for a while。 Where are the keys to your car?〃
She tried to remember。 〃I think I put them in the pocket of my jeans。〃
He vanished and returned moments later with the keys in hand。 〃Im
hitching a ride with the plow down to your car。 It may take me a little
while to dig it out。 Does it have snow tires?〃 When she nodded; he said;
〃Good。 Ill be back as soon as I can; then Im taking you to the
〃Mitch…〃 Her hoarse call caught him at the door。 〃Your arm…is it all
right to shovel?〃