
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第30部分(第1页)


apple now hid from the hunter。 Chipmunks and squirrels were burrowed in

their dens。 There was the rustle of evergreen boughs in the wind; the

icy gurgle of the brook as it charged downstream; the crunch of their

boots on the near…frozen ground。

Annes cheeks were as red as her cap when they returned; tired but

exhilarated; and it was a harbinger of the days ahead。 They settled into

the fort of easy panionship; sharing not only meals; but most

every other time of the day。 Mitch read when Anne did; his eye

occasionally catching hers。 They played backgammon in front of the fire;

and worked together on a jigsaw puzzle。 The weather held; offering

pleasant days with clear skies; and an invigorating chill to the night。

They walked together and worked together; Anne on her translating; Mitch

on papers dug from an overstuffed briefcase。 They lived in the here and

now; avoiding talk of the city like the plague。

All too soon; Anne loaded up her car for the return trip to New York。

Slinging an arm across her shoulder; Mitch walked her from the house a

final time。 The silence had been heavier that morning than at any other

point in the week。 Anne knew its cause。

〃Will you be spending Thanksgiving with your family?〃 he asked quietly。

〃Yes。〃 She took in his handsome features; studying; memorizing。 〃And


〃The same。〃 He held her just a little closer。 〃Plans for New Years


They had reached the car。 She faced him; smiling sadly。 〃Funny。 I used

to worry about New Years Eve。 Would I have a date? Would I not? Would

he be tall; dark; and handsome? Now it doesnt seem to matter。〃 She

sighed。 〃No; I dont have a date。 I may just plant myself on my sofa

with a bottle of Chablis and a book。〃

〃Why not do it here?〃 His eyes were deep green; the color of saying

something important。

Her pulse raced。 〃What?〃

〃Spend New Years Eve here。〃

〃Will you?〃 she asked without premeditation。 He pulled her close; into

the warmth of his sheepskin jacket。 〃Yes。〃

〃What about your other obligations?〃 Unpremeditated also; but the answer


Mitch was a minute in answering。 〃She goes to bed too early for my

tastes; certainly too early to make it to midnight。 No;〃 he grinned;

〃she wouldnt be much fun on New Years Eve。 Besides; shes not a fan of

