
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第27部分(第1页)


Startled; she lost her balance。 Apples rained to the ground in a crimson

storm。 When she began to fall; she twisted sideways; grabbing back at

the low branch to catch herself。 Mitch caught her before she hit the

ground; though not before shed been scraped by the ragged bark and

jutting offshoots。

〃Why did you creep up on me that way?〃 she cried the minute her feet

touched ground。 He released her instantly; but not before she saw him

flinch in pain。 With a gasp of pain herself; she sank to the grass and

rubbed the knee she had bumped on the branch。

〃Are you all right?〃 he asked。

She probed an aching elbow。 〃Fine。 Im fine。〃

〃Are you always this clumsy?〃

〃I wasnt clumsy。 You frightened me; sneaking up like that。〃

〃Who did you think it was?〃 he asked dryly。 〃There arent a whole lot of

other people around here; or hadnt you noticed?〃 Frowning; he bent to

gather apples that had fallen。 〃You should be more careful。 You could

break a leg that way。〃

〃Is that the voice of experience talking?〃

His jaw was tight。 〃You could say that。〃 He tossed more apples onto her

jacket。 But he only used his right arm。 The left hung idle。

〃Is your arm all right?〃 she asked。

He glanced sharply up。 〃Its fine。〃

〃You favor your right。〃

〃Its fine。 Can you walk?〃

As she stood; testing the knee; he pulled her jacket around into a

bundle; lifted it; and set off for the house。

She limped after him。 By the time she reached the kitchen; he had put

the apples beside the sink and disappeared。 Grateful for the privacy;

she collapsed into a chair; twisting her arm to see the scrapes on her


〃Here; let me take a look at that。〃

Before she could resist; Mitch deposited a bottle of disinfectant and a

washcloth on the table; pulled up a chair; and took her arm。 His touch

was warm。 When she tried to pull back; he held her arm more firmly。 She

winced at the antiseptics sting。

〃THATS Thats enough!〃

But he disagreed; repeatedly dabbing the dirt from the wound before

kneeling and reaching for her knee。

〃Its all right;〃 she insisted。

He raised his head。 His jaw was hard; his cheeks lean; but his eyes were

