still the throbbing at her temples。 His women。 His women; indeed。 She
wasnt his or anyone elses。
The sorrow of that thought deflated her。 If Jeff could only see her now!
Ashamed; she gathered up a towel and soap in the hope that a long; hot
shower would ease her tension and improve her mood; and for a short time
it did。 The water pressure was strong; sending steamy trails over the
taut muscles of her neck and back。 Rich…lathering shampoo left her hair
squeaky clean and shiny; hanging in damp clusters about her shoulders
when she finally emerged; toweled herself vigorously; and returned to
her room。
Half an hour later; wearing a navy sweater; jeans; and sneakers; she
headed for the kitchen to make coffee。 It was already hot on the stove。
To her surprise the floor was free of debris; the offending cookware
stacked neatly in the cupboard。
She smiled a bit smugly。 So he had cleaned up himself Take that; male
chauvinist pig! And he had made himself scarce。
Helping herself to coffee; she took a seat at the table。 Despite the
outburst; she had actually slept until ten…thirty。 Now she heard
footsteps on the stairs and the slam of the bathroom door。 All she had
to do was to wait until he finished his shower and dressed。 Then they
would face their dilemma like adults。
When the shower started; she relaxed back in the chair; bing her
still…damp hair with slender fingers; spreading it out over her
shoulders to dry。 Her gaze was drawn through the three…sided window of
the breakfast nook to the backyard。 She hadnt seen it the afternoon
before and found instant pleasure in the rustic scene; the well…kept
lawn; the scattering of maples and pines; the intermixing of apple trees
with fruit hanging ripe and ready for picking。 The morning mist had
begun to burn off; speared here and there shafts of sunlight。
The scene was exactly what she had hoped to find; so peaceful and quiet;
that she was unprepared for the roar behind her。
〃You used up all the hot water! Damn it; dont you have a considerate
bone in your body?〃
Mitch stood in the door of the kitchen; dripping wet; wearing nothing
but a towel around his hips。
For a second; she couldnt breathe。 He was incredibly well built。 Arms
and shoulders of granite flanked a chest that was tanned; sinewed; and
matted with fair hair made darker by the water。 His stomach was flat and