
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第20部分(第4页)


Whichever; she was grateful。 Living with him; working with him could

have been a nightmare。 As it was; she was aware of the fact that he

would be sleeping one short flight away。 More than once that night she

held her breath; hearing a sound; wondering if he was making the climb。

Her bedroom door remained closed; and when she fell asleep; she slept


It was good。 Thursday and Friday were packed with work; long hours spent

huddled with the masterminds of the Rye Beach plex。 They were

amenable to her suggestions; often mildly questioning; sometimes

strongly doubting; but always ready to listen。 Ross was absent during

most of the work; dropping in to check on the progress; but otherwise

yielding to the men beneath him。

Chloe asked him about it Friday evening。 〃I thought youd be more

fortable if I kept my distance at the office;〃 he said。

〃But arent you concerned about the project? For all you know the

revised plans may be unacceptable to you personally。〃

〃I doubt that;〃 he replied; smiling fortably。 〃I trust you。 And I

trust the men youre working with。 They know what I want。〃 He paused;

eyes changing; voice lowering。 〃So do you。〃

Her throat grew tight。 It was the first thing he had done that was at

all suggestive。 For that reason; she indulged him the lapse。 And because

the lapse was brief; she let him bribe her to stay in New York until

Sunday with a pair of choice tickets to the Big Apples newest hit


〃How did you ever get seats?〃 she asked in excitement; reaching for the

telltale envelope。 Ross only raised it much higher; out of reach。 〃I

have ways。〃 He laughed。 〃You havent seen it; have you?〃

〃You know I havent! It only opened last week; and youve known every

one of my ings and goings since then。〃

He smiled smugly and changed the subject; but Chloe easily acclimated

herself to a Sunday return to Rhode Island。 When he announced that he

had work to do at the office on Saturday morning; she binged on Fifth

Avenue; treating herself to a new dress; shoes; and a purse。 Again;

though; there was that dark tugging at the back of her mind。 The outfit

was for New Orleans。 If she went; she wanted her parents to be proud。 If

she went。

Saturday afternoon was something else。 Had she planned a few hours in

