
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第19部分(第1页)


She frowned。 〃Howard called you?〃

〃Ross called me。 I think his offer is good。〃

〃Offer? Ross? What are you talking about?〃

It was Lees turn to frown。 〃Im talking about the phone call I received

from Ross Stephenson no more than a half hour ago。 He wants to retain

our services。 What are you talking about?〃

A furious Chloe leaned on Lees desk。 〃I already refused him! Im

talking about the phone call from Howard Wolschinski saying that Ross is

ready to revise the Rye Beach proposal。〃

〃Thats great!〃

〃Its not! He wants me to work with him and thats the last thing I want

to do!〃

Lee was suddenly very gentle and very serious。 He pointed her into a

chair and rounded the desk to make sure that she sat。 Perching nearby;

he said; 〃Okay; pretty lady。 Tell me about it。〃

She felt utterly helpless。 〃Ross is willing to make the changes; but he

refuses to go by my report。 He wants me to work with his people; in

person; in New York。〃

〃gather;〃 he said; stroking his beard; 〃that you arent bothered by New

York; per se。〃

〃You gather correctly。〃

〃Chloe; whats wrong?〃 he asked softly。 〃The man seems intelligent and

honest。 You shouldnt have any problem。 You can be in and out of the

city in no time。〃 At wits end; she said; 〃He thinks hes in love with

me; thats the problem。 If it were only a matter of business; I wouldnt

worry。 But Ross says he wants to marry me。〃

〃So whats the problem?〃

〃cant marry him。〃 She pleaded for his understanding。 〃And Im not sure

I can take his constant pressure。〃

〃Are you afraid you might give in?〃 He erased the question with a wave。

〃Backtrack。 Why cant you marry him? Youre free。〃

〃Not quite。〃

〃Youre not making sense; pretty lady。 From what I can see; theres

nothing in the world to keep you from marrying Ross。〃

〃What if I dont love him?〃 she blurted out。

〃If you dont love him; then youre right to hold out。 And if you dont

love him; youll have no trouble putting him off。 Hell get tired after

a while。〃 Lee was watching her face very; very closely。 〃Thats not the

real problem; is it? You do love him。〃

She blew out a breath; turning it into a sigh; and looked at the

