
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第14部分(第1页)


〃Chloe;〃 Ross began in husky chiding; 〃do you have any idea what it does

to a man when a woman looks at him that way?〃

It took every ounce of her willpower to keep from lowering her gaze in

curiosity。 〃Im sorry…〃

〃Oh; dont be sorry。〃 He came closer。 Though he didnt touch her; his

body was no more than a breath away。

And she felt it; felt the need。 She put a hand to his chest to ward it

off; but it was a sorry miscalculation。 Her fingers found a mat of soft;

dark hair that sprang; warm and still moist; from the freshness of

lightly bronzed skin。

The pounding of her pulse frightened her so that she tore her hand from

his chest and thrust it behind her back。 She felt a huge measure of

guilt。 If he did also; it was hidden behind desire。 His amber eyes

smoldered; heating her all the more。 The need; ahhhh; the need。 The ache

to be held and loved  。。。 Ever so slowly; Ross lowered his head until

his lips shadowed hers。 She felt them; wanted them。 Her own parted in

silent invitation。 She closed her eyes to savor the sensation。 But he

never kissed her。 Rather; there was a soft exchange of breath; a whisper

of lips against one another; sweet; sweet torment。

Chloe felt ready to burst; willing to beg。 But that was a sure road to

self…disgust。 So she finally did what she had meant to do all along。 She

pressed against his chest; pushing him gently but firmly away。

As he slowly straightened to what was; even barefoot; an awesome height;

he cleared his throat。 〃Youd better wait downstairs;〃 he said in a

voice that was thick and taut。 〃Ill finish up quickly。〃

She took his suggestion。 By the time she reached the bottommost step;

sanity had frilly returned。 Swearing softly; she traipsed through the

kitchen and stood on the back porch looking out on the beach。 But the

tide within her was high。 No amount of cooling breeze could stern it。

He had to leave。 It was as simple as that。 Indifference was a pipe

dream。 He stirred her too much。

Having him around today was a taste of what it might be like to have him

around all the time。 She wanted to say she had hated it; but she

couldnt。 There had been something nice about waking to find a man in

her kitchen cooking her breakfast; something nice about knowing that he

was patiently waiting for her to finish work; something nice about going

marketing with him; even about finding him in her shower。 It had been

