〃In the living room。 Tall guy; dark hair; dark eyes。 He doesnt look
happy with the traffic in here。 Who is he? And whats he doing in our
For the better part of the morning Chloe had pushed Ross from mind。 Now;
revived by the work that she loved; she was able to chuckle at Joshs
〃Hes a friend;〃 she answered simply。
〃Youre sure about that?〃
〃Im sure。 Go on out and get your coffee。 If he starts to snarl; you can
send him in here。〃
Joshs face took on a dubious I…hope…you…know …what…youre…doing look。
Noheless; he drew up to his full sixty…seven inches; squared his
shoulders; and made as grand an exit as was possible for someone going
to face the proverbial giant。 With a helpless grin; Chloe sat back in
her chair; elbows on its arms; fingers fortably laced。
So Ross had decided to spend the morning in her living room。 She
wondered if he was bored; maybe annoyed that she was carrying on as
usual; perhaps growing impatient。 Her grin turned smug。
〃You wanted to see me?〃 His deep voice rumbled in from the door。
Her grin remained。 〃Who; me?〃
He searched the room。 〃I dont see anyone else in here; for a change。
They may not technically live here; but they run in and out all day;
dont they?〃
〃Its an open office; you might say。〃
〃I do say。 Say; when will you be done?〃
〃Done?〃 she echoed innocently; then gestured toward the desktop。 〃Lord
knows。 I have two reports to look through yet。 And Josh will be back。
Here he is。〃 His timing was perfect。 〃Josh; meet Ross。〃 As the two shook
hands; Chloe stared at the appalling discrepancy in their heights。 No
wonder Josh had been intimidated; not only did Ross tower over him; but
their respective physiques were about as alike as night and day。
Instinctively protective of Josh; she pointed him to a chair。 Then she
said; 〃Ross; would you excuse us? Well be a little while。〃
〃Ill be waiting。〃 He smiled as though he had caught onto the game and
was playing。 Then he turned and left。
Josh wasnt thick。 〃Listen; Chloe; are you sure you wouldnt rather go
over this another time?〃
〃What?〃 she ribbed him gently。 〃And waste the effort it took for you to
pull yourself out of bed? Carry on!〃
It was a full hour later when Josh finally left。 Chloe walked him to the