
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第9部分(第1页)


said; 〃Lee; this is Ross Stephenson。 We knew each other a long time ago。

Ross heads the corporation responsible for the Rye Beach proposal。〃 She

looked at Ross。 〃This is Lee Haight。 Lee and I co…own ESE。〃

For a brief instant; she pictured the two men squaring off; and there

was that moments antagonism。 She was relieved when Ross extended his

hand。 It was met by an equally large one of Lees。

Chloe was struck by those hands; but they were only the start。 The

physical similarities between the two men; each of whom had been

instrumental in shaping her life; was amazing。 Both were tall and lean;

both had athletic builds。 While Rosss dark hair had faint wisps of gray

at the sideburns; Lees highlights were more auburn; but both men were

tanned and inordinately good…looking。 Only their dress differentiated

their approaches to life。 Whereas Ross was the image of the casual male

of the more traditional school; Lee was; in appearance; reminiscent of

that earlier; more nonconformist phase through which the other had

passed。 While Ross wore slacks; Lee wore denim。 While Ross wore a sports

shirt; Lee wore a T…shirt emblazoned with an apt MAN。 Ross wore well kept

loafers; Lee had on a pair of battered running shoes。 And then there was

that neatly trimmed beard of Lees that stretched from ear to ear; much

as Rosss had on the night Chloe had met him。

It had never occurred to her to pare the two men before; but on all

counts the likeness was astounding。

Apparently Ross saw it; too。 He grinned slowly; almost slyly。 〃It looks

like Chloes taste in men hasnt changed all that much; after all;〃 he

said; with such a lack of malice that Lee relaxed a little。

〃I intend to take that statement at its most positive; friend。 This

little lady is very near and dear to me。〃 He threw a protective arm

about Chloes shoulder; drawing her to him with his customary

possessiveness。 She had always liked that; and did even more so now。 His

presence made her feel less vulnerable。 She chuckled when Lee added;

〃Are you friend or foe?〃

〃Friend; by all means;〃 Ross replied。

〃Then I take it youre not here on business;〃 Lee concluded。 〃And you

cant be passing through。〃

Chloe laughed this time。 〃Ive been through all that with him; Lee。 He

knows precisely where he is。〃

Lee glanced her way。 〃Sounds ominous。〃 He looked at Ross。 〃How long are

you in for?〃

