Incapable of speech for the moment; she simply breathed in the scent
that was all male; all Ross。 His heart beat steadily by her ear;
gradually coaxing her own to slow。 His arms enveloped her and lent her
〃I tried。〃 She spoke; unsteadily at first。 〃I dated。 I still do。〃 It was
easier not having to look at him。 〃I even tried to go to bed with one of
She recalled the horror of the moment。 〃He decided I was frigid。〃
A deep laugh broke from Rosss throat; a laugh that was strangely
hoarse。 〃Thats ridiculous;〃 he crooned into the warmth of her hair; but
when he tipped her face up he felt her stiffen。 〃Oh; no; you dont。〃 His
mouth found hers。
She fought him then。 Struggling to free herself from the band of his
arms; she pushed against his chest; all the while trying to evade his
lips; but he was stronger than she ore
he steadied her。 His lips stroked hers; demanding the kind of response
that he alone knew she had in her。
When her physical strength waned; Chloe tried passivity。 The last thing
she wanted was a repeat of the night in New Hampshire or; worse; that
fateful night back in New Orleans。 She had no right; she told herself;
no right!
〃e on; Chloe;〃 Ross growled against her lips。 〃Ease up。〃
She shouldnt have said anything。 The tiny parting of her lips gave him
the opening he needed; and then she didnt have a chance。 His tongue
invaded her mouth; spreading its sweetness deep。 She told herself that
it was physical; that she could resist if she wanted to enough; but her
body betrayed her。 It swayed toward him; weak with wanting。
From an odd defense mechanism; her mind went blank。 It was as though the
battle between guilt and desire created a mental void。 In that void
there was nothing but Ross and his body; the lips that caressed her;
arms that held her gently; legs that supported her。 Out of that void
came her response; slowly; surely; and Ross had won。 Her lips moved
against his; tasting; savoring。 The corners of his mouth; his firm lips;
his tongue; one small nibble led to another until she returned his kiss
with matching passion。
〃Oh; Ross;〃 she breathed raggedly when his lips left hers to trail fire
along the sensitive cord of her neck。
〃Thats it; princess。〃