
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第2部分(第4页)


〃Hed better be。 Im next。 Take notes for me; will you? I have a

tendency to forget what I say from one minute to the next。〃


〃Hmmm; I could use some of that; too。 Supper was very early。 Its nearly


At least hed had supper。 She hadnt eaten a thing。 〃How much longer do

you think this will last?〃 She still had to make the return trip to

Little pton that night。

Howard checked his watch。 〃I have no idea。 But I have to be out of here

by ten…thirty to make it to Manchester for the eleven oclock news。

Theyre doing a live interview。 I hope good old Brad speeds it up。〃

He got his wish within minutes。 As Chloe sat back; the long…winded state

representative transferred the podium to 〃my illustrious colleague in

the New Hampshire state government;〃 and Howard took the reins。

Chloe did take notes。 It was the one way she could keep her thoughts in

the present and her eyes away from Ross。 Once upon a time; he had played

a cataclysmic role in her life。 So much had happened since that night。

When Howard finished delivering a poignant plea for the preservation of

the coast; the croents that had

less to do with scientific matters; than practical ones。 They wanted to

know things like how increased tax revenues would be used to benefit

local residents; and who would pay for the added police and fire

coverage that would be necessary; given the proportions of the Rye Beach


It was closer to ten…forty before Howard was allowed to leave the

microphone。 To Chloe; with a frantic look at the time; he said; 〃Thanks

again; Chloe。 Think you can cover for me here a few minutes longer?〃

〃Sure thing; if I can ansy field is geology; not


〃Dont underestimate yourself。 Why not change your mind and spend the

night? There are a number of nice inns close by。 Itll be a long drive

back to Rhode Island alone。〃

She was touched by his worry; but confident。 〃Ill be fine。 Driving

relaxes me。 I have plenty of unwinding to do。〃 A movement in the corner

of her eye reminded her of the source of her tension。 She ignored the

tall figure who approached for all she was worth。 〃Go on now; Senator。

Youll be late。〃

