
669小说网>rekindled heartache电视剧 > 第2部分(第2页)


scientific end of her job…the sample…taking and analysis; the puter

work; the intricate calculations of ground position; weather…related

ponents; time predictions…she found the presentation of her findings

to be heady。

Felix Hart made the introduction。 〃I have the delightful task now of

giving you Ms。 Chloe Macdaniel。 Ms。 Macdaniel has been retained by the

county to study our coast with an eye toward the environmental impact of

the Rye Beach Resort and Condominium plex as proposed by the Hansen

Corporation。 She has already spent a good deal of time on the project。

Ms。 Macdaniel?〃

After lifting a neat folder from the floor beneath her chair; Chloe rose

to her full five…foot…eight…inch height and approached the podium。 Her

appearance was understated; she worked at that。 Still; the curiosity of

the crowd yielded to a murmur of appreciation when she stepped forward。

Tall and willowy; dark haired and light plected; she was the image of

grace。 Her dress was of a soft and simple white eyelet fabric; lined

through the bodice and skirt; the sleeves hanging free and loose to her

elbows。 A wide sash of contrasting aqua enhanced both the slimness of

her waist and the porcelain of her skin。

Her voice was steady and well…modulated。 〃Thank you; Mr。 Hart; for your

kind introduction。 Let me say how pleased I was to have been approached

by your representatives last spring。 Not only do I have a professional

interest in your coastline; but I have an emotional involvement with the

entire New England coast; since its my home of choice。 In keeping with

this; let me begin by saying that I am not opposed to the Rye Beach

Resort and Condominium plex per se。 What Mr。 Stephenson has outlined

for you sounds like a project that could benefit this area。 But I

question the ecological wisdom of the plan as it stands。 The thought of

a beachfront condominium may appeal to the romantic in us all; but this

plan isnt environmentally wise。〃

As she proceeded to explain the core results of her tests; she was

oblivious to all else but her work。 The most powerful tool she had was

genuine concern。 〃In terms of storm surge alone; the Hansen proposal is

risky;〃 she argued; pointing to the carefully calculated figures now

projected on a slide screen。 〃Once every six or seven years you folks

get a storm strong enough to do significant damage to structures built

so close to the beach。 If the entire plex were to be moved back an

