
669小说网>flipped中英双语版 > 第15部分(第1页)



It wasnt just the yard。 It was my dads truck; my mothers car; the family bike that was more

rust than steel; and the fact that when we did buy

something new; it always seemed to e from a second…time…around store。 Plus; we never

went on vacation。 Ever。

Why was that? My father was the hardest…working man in the world; and my mother worked

for TempService doing secretarial jobs whenever she

could。 What was all that hard work about if this is where it got you?

Asking my parents whether we were poor seemed incredibly impolite。 But as the days went

by; I knew I had to ask。 Just had to。 Every day Id ride

home from school on our rusty bike; pull past the broken fence and patchy yard; and think;

Tonight。 Ill ask them tonight。

But then I wouldnt ask them。 I just didnt know how。

Then one day I had an idea。 A way to talk to them about it and maybe help out a little; too。

And since my brothers were working at the music store

that night; and nobody was saying much of anything at the table; I took a deep breath and

said; “I was thinking; you know; that it wouldnt be hard to

fix up the front yard if I could get some nails and a hammer and maybe some paint? And how

much does grass seed cost? It cant be that much;

right? I could plant a lawn; and maybe even some flowers?”

My parents stopped eating and stared at me。

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“I know how to use a saw and a hammer—it could be; you know; a project。”

My mother quit looking at me and stared at my father; instead。

My father sighed and said; “The yard is not our responsibility; Julianna。”

“Its … its not?”

He shook his head and said; “Its Mr。 Finnegans。”

“Whos Mr。 Finnegan?”

“The man who owns this house。”

I couldnt believe my ears。 “What?”

My father cleared his throat and said; “The landlord。”

“You mean we dont own this house?”

They looked at each other; having some private wordless conversation I couldnt decipher。

Finally my father said; “I didnt realize you didnt know

